Shopping with SpeedyBikeGirls

Shopping with SpeedyBikeGirls

The SpeedyBikeGirls took advantage of the good weather on Good Friday for a group excursion down to WA. We rode down through Sumas, got stuck in the Easter long weekend border traffic, and then hit the relatively open and winding roads from the border down to Sedro Wooley. These roads wend gently through valleys, and along rivers and railroads, skirting farms and pastures, with the forest never far away.

The ladies lunched in Burlington, in a Mexican restaurant (a first for some!), and were reminded again about American portions. Feeling rather full, we acquiesed to one person’s very strong desire to stop at the outlet mall and buy a Coach purse – though we did give her a time limit! Since we were there anyway, I managed to buy two gorgeous suit jackets for my slowly growing professional wardrobe for a good price, all in about 10 minutes.

Heading up, we took the Bow River Road (well, after a short detour over the bridge to Whidby and back) and Chuckanut Drive – one person was so excited by Chuckanut that she exclaimed “Can we go back and do it two more times!” But, alas, it was getting late and we decided to go home, four of us enjoying a nice speedy jaunt up I5 while the others followed at a more leisurely pace.

I ended up being in the lead for a great deal of the trip, mostly because I can read maps (and had one) (and it might have something to do with having been a teacher). It’s a wee bit challenging knowing how fast to take things and making sure to keep checking mirrors to make sure everyone is still back there. Not to mention the challenges of going through traffic shepherding 7 other bikes. We did get separated a few times, but did always manage to find each other again. But as much as I like not having people in front of me, it’s much less stressful to follow.


Meeting at the Skytrain station – unfortunately we didn’t get pics of the Asian tourbus full of tourists taking pictures of us!

Waiting at the border

Waiting at the border

Photo by Wenniki

The helmet table

In front of the restaurant


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