Weekend in Prague
A weekend conference for DutchBoy meant I got to tag along and play tourist. We arrived late on Friday evening. Peaking out the hotel window, I was charmed by the old car parked outside a cocktail bar, expecting men with fedoras and machine guns to come running out.
The next morning I wandered about with my camera, enjoying a new place and architecture and being alone in a crowd. Even in October, there were a lot of tourists, and facilities to support them, but it really is a lovely city. Since I happened to be in the area at the right time, I joined the gathering throngs to check watching the astronomical clock of my tourist to-do list. And let’s just say I wouldn’t make a special trip to see it. I then sampled some of the food on offer in the square, and the honey wine – cheap and tasty lunch. I enjoyed street food and street music, especially a pair of bands with quite unique sounds.
The Trouble Notes (1:45)
Bohemian Bards (2:21)
Then I wandered some more, before heading back to the hotel to meet up with DutchBoy and the other conferences goers for a night of food and beer.
The next morning, they all headed back to the conference, and I headed for the funicular up Petrin Hill, only to find it was closed. I decided to walk up the hill, enjoying lovely views and crisp fall forest air and warm sun. By the time I got to the top, I’d run out of time to climb the tower (and my knees were protesting), so I went back down and met DutchBoy to wander about the town some more. We saw another cool little group and enjoyed the kids dancing to their music (Video is 1:06).
We ended with a lovely dinner and some Czech Budweiser, which is far better than the American variety.
In the morning, we wandered around some more, and bought ourselves shoes (DutchBoy even got Batas) before heading to Maitrea, a vegetarian Czech restaurant, so we could finally have some goulash before heading to the airport and home.
I don’t think we’re done with Prague – we didn’t see a bunch of the famous sights and I’d actually like to go back with the kids (who had stayed with my wonderful in-laws) – I found myself spotting playgrounds and things they would like. But it was really nice to get away for a bit and travel with just the two of us and also to wander around on my own in a new place.